Generate random string:

	fn generateRandString length symb:false = (
		local chars = "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ", result = "", symbol = "~!@#$%^&*()_+:<>?"
		chars = if symb then append chars symbol else chars; charsC = chars.count
		for i=1 to length do (result += substring chars (random 1 charsC) 1)
	/* -- example:
	generateRandString 64
	-- "mrnn0flR2Vx4KWoM77qxKqEATn131PGVDnL4ukmEXArcPcyV72KjgjLAgpTdbRxY"
	generateRandString 64 symb:true
	-- "ITiZK~Nk1SVHr#G7@fhV$))8a%:)+6Gm(KlV$*J7mbvH~AnA+Va@>+RlifoK3q^9"

<integer>length: generated string length
<boolean>symb: Use symbol. Default is false

Collect materials with realworld UV’s. Link

function collectRealWorldMats savetoFile:False = (
	rwMats = materialLibrary()
	for mat in sceneMaterials do (
		local maps = getproperty mat "Maps"
		for m in maps where superclassof m == textureMap do (
			try ( if getproperty m.coords "realWorldScale" != undefined do ( if m.coords.realWorldScale do (appendifunique rwMats mat) ) ) catch()
	if rwMats.count > 0 do (
		if savetoFile then (
			-- save these materials to C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Autodesk\3dsMax\2013 - 64bit\ENU\temp\realWorldMats.mat
			local rwMatsFile = getdir #temp + "\\realWorldMats.mat"
			saveTempMaterialLibrary rwMats rwMatsFile
		) else (for m in rwMats do print -- or simply output to listener
		-- select objects with these mats
		objs = #(); for m in rwMats do (for o in objects where o.material == m do append objs o)
		select objs

-- or if you want to save to realWorldMats.mat
-- collectRealWorldMats savetoFile:true

<boolean>savetoFile: Save collected materials to file. Default:false

Array to string with tabbed format

    fn arrToStringFormat arr str:"#(\n" tab:1 = (
        local tb = "\t", tn = "\r\n", ts = "#(", te = ")", tc = ",", t = ""
        for f=1 to tab do t += tb
        for i=1 to arr.count do (
            if classof arr[i] == array then (
                if i == 1 then tab += 1
                str += t + ts + tn
                str = arrToStringFormat arr[i] str:str tab:tab
                str += t + te + (if i == arr.count then "" else tc)  + tn
            ) else (
                arr[i] = "\"" + arr[i] + "\"" 
                str += t + arr[i] + (if i == arr.count then "" else tc) + tn
                if i == 1 then tab += 1

<string>arrToStringFormat arr<array>. Usage: (arrToStringFormat arr) + “)”.
End parentheses need to add manually or use in a wrapper like fn arrToStringWrapper arr = ((arrToStringFormat arr) + “)”).