Creating Forest Pack object inside 3dsmax tends to be a boring task. This script try to simplify it. With some adjustable common settings.
Select nodes you want to scatter, click quick FP button, pick geometry and/or shape objects (any geometry picked will become surface node, any shape picked will become area node inside FP object), rightclick to end pick mode, FP object will be created with all options you set from the rollout.
Tip: You can adjust selected FP object using this script too
One more function of this script is to copy those common settings from an already existed FP object, by selecting FP object and generate new one with the script.
Tested with 3dsMax 2015 and FP Pro 6.3.0. Not tested with Lite version.
Tip: Always switch to Create Panel for faster performance when editing or creating FP object
UI explained:

does not work with max 2021
I just test with 2021. Although at first bitmap manager complaint couldnt find “dense.bmp”, it works fine after I switch to modify panel. What problem did you have? If you can describe it perhaps I can fix it.